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Interest Form for The Vanishing of Josephine Reynolds

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The Vanishing of Josephine Reynolds_to JM.jpg

The Vanishing of Josephine Reynolds is absolutely mesmerizing! It's magnificent! —Maddie Dawson

Dripping with lush Jazz Age detail and a vivid cast of characters. A time-bending tale of both suspense and self-discovery and a heroine we can’t help but cheer for. 

—Barbara Davis

An enthralling must-read. Moorman’s signature magic creates a moving, unputdownable race against time. I was hooked from the very first enchanting page. —Kristy Woodson Harvey


This twisty, intriguing tale is brimming with atmosphere, heartbreak, magic, and ultimately a bright spark of hope!

—Rachel Linden


Moorman deftly weaves her trademark everyday magic into a tale of time travel, mystery, and romance. —Kerry Anne King

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