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Let's talk about 1:1 Coaching!

Let's do this together! I truly enjoy working alongside authors to help them better understand the publishing industry as well as helping them find their voice.
Let's talk about your goals! Whether you have a finished manuscript or you're just starting out, I can help you find what publishing path is best for you based on your goals, your dreams, and your platform.
Let's talk it through! Are you at the start of your writing journey? I can help you finally write that book that's been living inside you. Let's get together via Zoom or we can chat on the phone to talk through your specific goals and your questions. Together we'll make a plan that works for you.

Let's get accountable! With someone working alongside you, you have an accountability partner, someone to ask just the right questions to get you where you want to go, and you have a guide to help you through the entire journey toward your end goals.
Let's do this for you! Are you ready to create? Do you have a vision you're serious about bringing into the world? This is for you!
It's time for you to take action! 

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