To celebrate the release of my latest star-filled short story, Starry Sky July, how about cake?! Does anyone ever say no to cake? Can these people be trusted? I'm kidding! Kinda.

For this celebration, I wanted to try a few techniques that I'd never tried because... why not? Disaster or delicious? I like to live dangerously. Actually I don't. I mostly trusted this wouldn't explode the kitchen. But there are worse things than eating cake batter off the counter...right?

Fortunately, this didn't explode, and I created a vibrant red velvet cake interior covered with Swiss meringue buttercream dyed with black cocoa powder (not food dye!) and accented with isomalt flames on top!

I think Jude Jones and Maddie Mathis, the teenage best friends in Starry Sky July, would settle in with a fat slice of this cake and enjoy it! What do you think? Want to try a slice? Don't say no...you want people to trust you, don't you?!

Normally, I would list the recipe below, with detailed directions, but if I'm honest with you, this cake is a doozy, not for first-timers in the kitchen, and well-suited for daring bakers who aren't afraid to melt isomalt to 330 degrees and try not to pour onto anything you don't want permanently glued together (like your fingers)!
So the next best thing is that I'll tell you where I found my inspiration for all the parts!
Red Velvet Cake Recipe Inspired By: Baking with Blondie
Black Cocoa Swiss Meringue Buttercream Inspired By: Gesine Bullock-Prado
Isomalt Flames Inspired By: Ashlee Marie